Treatment Costs

Our treatment costs are entirely dependent on your unique situation. In order to determine the costs we welcome you to an initial consultation. After which we can provide an accurate estimate based on our experience. We pride ourselves on honesty and will do our best to keep your costs to a minimum and if necessary recommend that you seek an alternative solution. Please call on: 0151 639 9222 if you have any questions.

£5 Consultation: enables you to discuss your problem/pains and to gain an insight into if and how chiropractic can help. Usually takes 20minutes

£45 Consultation & Treatment: following a thorough case history and examination, chiropractic treatment will commence. A home rehabilitative/exercise program and postural/ergonomic advice will also be given. Usually takes 45min-1 hour

£30 Subsequent Treatments: if further treatments are necessary. Usually takes 20-30 min